Filming in the Zanshin Dojo
Events, filming
RTL Regional shot Anna defends herself in the Zanshin Dojo. Tim von Fintel and Finn Rathmann introduced Anna to the basics of self-defense.
For VOX, the Zanshin Dojo becomes a part of the format The talent scouts. Trainer Tim von Fintel had the task of bringing two young models to their physical limits with the help of boxing and martial arts exercises.
For Großstadtrevier Finn Rathmann leads a team of eight in the scene Katjas Job the training of the leading actress Anja Nejarri, as well as the overall coordination and choreography of the actors and martial arts masters for the training scenes.
For the Rettungsflieger Boxing scenes were filmed in our boxing gym. Tim von Fintel supported the director with the choreography of the actors.
For Raus aus meinem Haus! (DMAX) Tim von Fintel prepared one of the actors for a practice fight. Furthermore, the Zanshin Dojo provided an opponent for this fight who had to correspond to a specific psychological profile.
Part of the image video of participant Benjamin Piwko was shot in the Zanshin Dojo for the RTL show Let's Dance.
Tim von Fintel interview for Men's Health
Foto Shootings
For an exhibition in the Schanzenhöfen, photos were included in our box gym Tim Mälzer gemacht.
The box gym served as a location for a non-food photo shoot for Lidl
Martial arts shows
Euro RSCG ABC martial arts show for Nintendo Wii
Capoeira demonstration for the opening of a new terminal at Hamburg Airport
Kickboxing show for FCB Wilkens
Tim von Fintel has been a regular advisor since 2008 for Men’s Health for advice on martial arts topics, especially boxing.
- For the Box Workout eleven Men's Health editors trained for eight weeks in our box gym.
- Organization, planning and implementation of martial arts and boxing lessons for the Men’s Health Trainingscamp with 200 participants.
For the White Collar Boxing Club our sports facility has been made available for training as well as photo and film work.
Together with the Feuerschiff we run the program Feuerschiff active, in which good food and sport are combined.