Nice to have you here!
We have summarized the most frequently asked questions regarding all payment-related topics such as debits, contributions, etc. for you. If you have further questions that we have not answered here, please feel free to fill out our contact form below.
Due to an error in the system, we may have debited too much or too little. We apologize for this. Of course we will take care of it immediately. Please fill out our contact form and describe as precisely as possible which amount was debited.
The first debit includes the service fee (59,90€), the check-in wristband (19,90€), the usage fee and the first monthly fee.
Debits with the note "Verzehr" are due to the purchase in our store, i.e. you have bought a drink, a bar or equipment and have chosen direct debit as payment method.
We require a new enrollment certificate in time for the beginning of a new semester. If you do not present it, our system will automatically remove the discount. Please send us your current certificate of enrollment so that we can re-enter your discount.
Due to an error in the input, it may happen that the discount is not taken into account. Of course, we will take care of a correction immediately. Please fill out our contact form and tell us which discount was forgotten.
After the initial term, the monthly membership fee increases by 0,90€.
Further questions
Do you still have questions that have not been answered? Just fill out the contact form and we will get back to you.