Starke Schale, starker Kern

Train with the most modern equipment

The training takes place in our completely new functional training "factory hall". This is equipped with the latest equipment from Rogue, among other things. From lifting tires, pushing / pulling the sledge and box jumps to the endurance-heavy ski ergometer or the assault bike, nothing is left to be desired. Our functional training halls offer you all the options for an effective workout. We have recently started offering Hyrox Hamburg courses, which also take place in our Official Hyrox Gym / factory hall. You can find more information about Hyrox training on our Hyrox page.

Jetzt starten

Teste das Zanshin Dojo während einer Probezeit von 10 Tagen oder vereinbare ein erstes kostenloses und unverbindliches Kennlerngespräch.

    Ich bin bereits 18 Jahre alt.Ich bin noch nicht 18 Jahre alt.

    Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mein Kind.Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mich.