General Fitness Training and Self-Defense with Kickboxing

When it comes to Fitness Kickboxing we purposely go without sparring (fighting). Anyone who wants to join our Fitness Kickboxing can enjoy a nice and friendly environment while injury-free improving the general fitness.

Fat Burn²

The advantage of fitness kickboxing is that fat can be burned and the muscles built up in relatively little time. This takes place in a one-hour training session that is structured in such a way that the body is then fully exhausted.

Fitness & Technique

In addition to the fitness value, fitness kickboxing has a very high self-defense value. Techniques are learned quickly and can thus help effectively if necessary.

For Everyone

Entry is possible at any time, even without physical condition or previous knowledge. Friendliness, fun and a sensible approach to each other are the focus of our fitness kickboxing.


Jetzt starten

Teste das Zanshin Dojo während einer Probezeit von 10 Tagen oder vereinbare ein erstes kostenloses und unverbindliches Kennlerngespräch.

    Ich bin bereits 18 Jahre alt.Ich bin noch nicht 18 Jahre alt.

    Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mein Kind.Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mich.