Zanshin Dojo

Martial arts and self-defense for children in Hamburg

In our Kids Ju-Jutsu in the Zanshin Dojo Hamburg are taught both techniques for self-defense, as well as the examination contents of the individual belt colors. For this we have developed a special examination program for children.

Children of every age and performance class have the possibility on participating in four to five different training classes a week. Depending on the children's motivation we recommend one to two training classes a week. As a matter of course, training time can also be increased.

The next belt exam

Twice a year, the children in Ju-Jutsu have the opportunity to participate in a belt examination in the Zanshin Dojo. For this purpose, special preparation courses have been set up for children of different ages and graduations. So that the fun of the examination is not neglected, the examining coaches conduct the belt examination according to the training and examination concept of the Zanshin Dojo.

Ju-Jutsu competition training for children at Zanshin Dojo Hamburg

The Ju-Jutsu-Competition-Training for children is optional and prepares them for the competitive sport. Children with a yellow belt and higher are welcome to participate. For this, children have to participate in the training classes and tournaments on a regular basis. It's very important for the parents to know that every child that is participating has to get checked by a doctor on a yearly basis. This way, only healthy children can participate in the competitive sport. Of course we don't want to exclude anyone but this way we are able to prevent accidents and injuries in the competitive sport.

Jetzt starten

Teste das Zanshin Dojo während einer Probezeit von 14 Tagen oder vereinbare ein erstes kostenloses und unverbindliches Kennlerngespräch.

    Ich bin bereits 18 Jahre alt.Ich bin noch nicht 18 Jahre alt.

    Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mein Kind.Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mich.