Ju-Jutsu as modern self-defense for children and adults in Hamburg

Modern Ju-Jutsu, which initially developed from classical styles such as Judo, Karate and Aikido, now incorporates effective techniques from a wide variety of martial arts. Due to its enormous versatility, Ju-Jutsu is highly adaptable to any athlete. The system adapts perfectly to the physical condition of the individual, and a sense of achievement is not long in coming. In Ju-Jutsu at the Zanshin Dojo Hamburg, every athlete can reach the black belt after a few years, without any special prerequisite and with a lot of fun. In Ju-Jutsu it is possible to take belt exams ranging from yellow belt, orange belt, green belt, blue belt and brown belt to multiple black belts (Dan).

Im Zanshin Dojo Hamburg bis to Ju-Jutsu black belt

Ju-Jutsu - martial arts and self-defense

Ju-Jutsu competitions

While in the beginning it was mainly the police officers who learned and shaped Ju-Jutsu, the DJJV now has over 55,000 active members. Ju-Jutsu can be practiced by men and women of all ages at the popular sports level. Concepts have been developed especially for women and children to give them methods to defend themselves effectively against harassment and attacks.

In the field of competitive sports, Ju-Jutsu has a competition system with a light contact principle, which allows a sporting comparison. German and international championships are held here, at which members of the Zanshin Dojo regularly participate - with success!

A third pillar is national and international technique comparisons in the form of a competition (Kata) and duo system.

The other martial arts in the Zanshin Dojo can often be brought into the Ju-Jutsu for 100%. We owe it to this technical openness that approx. 30 Dan carriers (black belts), including a carrier of the 6th Dan and one of the 5th Dan, a vice world champion and a European champion, not only train with us in Ju-Jutsu, but also in train the various martial arts systems.

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