Modern combat system for self-defense

Krav Maga is a modern and very effective combat system for self-defense. It was developed to enable people, including physically weaker men or women, to defend themselves against any aggressive threat by learning the simplest techniques. The aim is to become defensible within the shortest possible time.

Here, too, it is important to us to offer injury-free lessons.

Krav Maga for effective Self defense

Krav Maga for women in Hamburg

In the Zanshin Dojo there are Krav Maga courses several times a week, also for women only.

Free trial training
Krav Maga für Frauen im Zanshin Dojo Hamburg

Jetzt starten

Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenloses Probetraining oder Teste das Zanshin Dojo während einer Probezeit von 10 Tagen.

    Ich bin bereits 18 Jahre alt.Ich bin noch nicht 18 Jahre alt.

    Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mein Kind.Ich stelle diese Anfrage für mich.